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UC Center Sacramento Program

The UC Center Sacramento Program is an opportunity for students, especially those interested in public policy or journalism, to intern for a quarter in Sacramento while enrolling in specific courses through UC Davis.

Students who participate in the UC Center Sacramento program enroll in the Political Science Internship (POLI 192A), Internship and Research course (POLI 193), The California Policy Seminar (POLI 195), and Research Design & Methods (POLI 196E). Sometimes, student have the option of enrolling in a Topic-Specific Public Policy Seminar (POLI 108). For more information related to coursework, please visit the Program's website here.

UCCS courses are considered transfer courses; Political Science students can transfer in up to six courses from outside UCSD as long as the courses are: Political Science courses, upper division, 4+ quarter units, and a C- or better grade is earned. 

For more information, please review the following websites:


Considerations for Political Science Majors

Political Science majors may utilize POLI 195/108 and POLI 196E towards their upper-division courses. Upon the coursework reflecting on your academic transcript, please contact the department via the VAC.

Political Science Data Analytics majors may utilize POLI 196E towards the Data Analytics Area of Concentration major requirements. 

Public Policy majors may utilize POLI 195 or POLI 108 towards their Area of Concentration section under their degree audit.

As a reminder, POLI 192A and any other internship may not be utilized for major credit however it may be utilized for elective credit. 

Courses Taken at UC Center Sacramento

Students who participate in the UC Center Sacramento Program take a full-time (minimum 12 units) academic course load and participate in an internship during their quarter in Sacramento. 

In the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, students enroll in the following courses:





Political Science Internship

5 units


Political Science Internship & Research

2 units


Research Design & Methods

4 units


California Politics & Policy Seminar

4 units



Topic-Specific Public Policy Seminar*

4 units


15 units


In the Summer, students enroll in the following courses:





Political Science Internship

5 units


Political Science Internship & Research (optional)

2 units


California Politics & Policy Seminar

4 units


Research Design & Methods

4 units


13-15 units

Application Processes

Application Process

1. UC Center Sacramento now uses an online application process!  Please click this link to start your application today! 

  • Your application (online or PDF) should include:

    - Completed Application Form

    - Resume* 

    - Essay*

    - Transcripts (can be unofficial)

For any assistance with our online application or PDF application and process for applying to UC Center Sacramento, please email the UC Center Sacramento advisors at

2. Requirements

  • Upper division standing (90 units)
  • 3.0 GPA or above preferred
  • Transfer students with 1 completed quarter at their UC campus are eligible to apply.
  • - International students and DACA/AB540/Undocumented students are eligible to apply.

Visit the UC Sacramento Program

3. Questions

  • Please submit questions to the Academic Internship program as they administer applications. 

How UC Center Sacramento Courses Count for the Political Science Major

Political Science majors who participate in the UC Center Sacramento program earn credit for the major with the following courses.  

Upon the coursework reflecting on your academic transcript, please contact the department via the VAC.


POLI 192A* - Upper division Political Science Elective course (when research paper is completed for the course)

POLI 195 - Upper division Political Science Elective course or towards their PoliSci Public Policy Area of Concentration requirement.

POLI 196E - Upper division Political Science Elective course or towards the PoliSci Data Analytics Area of Concentration requirement.

POLI 108 - Upper division Political Science Elective course or towards their PoliSci Public Policy Area of Concentration requirement.

*Students must have completed a minimum 20 page research paper within POLI 192A for the course to count toward their Political Science major requirements, as internships themselves are not allowable for credit toward the major.

Video: Planning for UCDC and UCCS as a Political Science Major

General information for UCDC and UCCS is covered until 12:25; skip to 32:25 to learn about the UCCS Program specifically.